
1. Bid No. : KOSPO-CleanAmmonia-2024-LT01

2. Commodity to procure : Clean ammonia to co-fire in the KOSPO's power plant

3. Procurement method :
1) International open bidding
2) Minimum qualifications for tender
- Qualified clean ammonia suppliers who shall produce clean ammonia in accordance with Korea’s carbon intensity certification process by KEEI
- Suppliers who are capable of delivering clean ammonia to unloading ports in Korea by the end of November 2028

4. Designated date and time for submission : from 09:00 September 2 to 13:00 September 6, 2024 (KST)
(Any earlier or later submissions will not be accepted)

5. Contact points for further detailed information
Hydrogen Business Planning Team (cleanhydrogen@kospo.co.kr)

※ Typo correction on 14 page of RfP
- before : DES in accordance with Incoterms 2020
- after : DES in accordance with Incoterms 2000


On September 13, 2024 Selection of shortlisted bidder is informed to individual bidder.
attached file